Bible Time Frame 100 BC -50 AD

26/01/2011 13:46

100 BC -50 AD

88      Rome's first Mithridatic war begins
83      Rome's second Mithridatic war begins
74      Rome's third Mithridatic war begins
64      Pompey captures Jerusalem; leaves the Maccabean high priest Hyrcanus in power             with Antipater as civil adviser
60      The first Triumvirate at Rome (Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey )
59      Julius Caesar becomes proconsul; Pompey marries Julia, daughter of Caesar
58      Caesar conquers Gaul
54      Caesar invades Britain

50              Erastus
                                     Romans 16:13

                      - City treasurer of Corinth; Convert of Paul

                     1:Latin inscription found in Corinth says that Erastus laid "this pavement at his own
                           expense" in return for receiving his position in the government.

49      Caesar crosses the Rubicon
48      Pompey slain in Egypt
         Caesar makes Cleopatra queen of Egypt
44      Caesar becomes dictator of Rome for life
         Caesar assassinated
43      The second Triumvirate at Rome (Anthony, Lepidus, and Octavian )

37 -4        Herod I
                                                Mt. 2:1
                    - King of the Judeans when Jesus is born
                    -Receives the wise men from the East
                    - kills the male babies of Bethlehem in an attempt to kill Jesus
                    - Made ruler of Judea  by the Roman Empire,
                     -Roman client-king of Judaea

                 1. Coins which have inscription Herod the King"
                 2. Great builder of many monuments
                 3. Josephus
                 4. Inscription on column from Sica honored Herod
                 5. Pot sherds found at Masada

37      Herod captures Jerusalem

31   BC-AD 14          Augustus:
                      or (Julius Caesar)

                                                            Luke 2:1

                  -Orders an empire-wide census at time of Jesus' birth
                  -Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14)

                  1. Full biography found in long Greek & Latin inscription in Ankara, Turkey
                  2. Inscription celebrating his birthday
                  3. Coins
                  4. Statuary
                  5. Contemporary histories
31      Battle of Actium, Anthony slain, Octavian becomes master of the Roman world, the             final triumph of Empire
30      Egypt becomes a Roman province
30      Shammai
         Philo of Alexandria

27 BC  -14  AD       Augustus
                                                    Luke 2:2

                   - Roman emperor during birth of Jesus
                    - full name Gaius Octavius

                1. Full biography found in long Greek & Latin inscription in Ankara, Turkey
                2. Inscription celebrating his birthday
                3. Coins
               4. Statuary
                5. Contemporary histories

21      Octavian assumed the title of Augustus   
20      Herod begins to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple

15 BC -39+AD     Herodias
                                             Mt. 14:3
                       - Wife of Herod Antipus (after being married to his brother)
                       - The woman who compassed the death of John the Baptist at Macherus



14 -37      Tiberius
                                              Luke 3:1

               -  John the Baptist begins preaching in the 15th year of Tiberius' reign
               - Roman Caesar during Jesus ministry
            1. Josephus
            2. Contemporary Roman historians.
            3. Numerous statues.
            4. Coins with inscription and portrait.
            5. Inscription from Caesarea when Pontius Pilate dedicated a temple to Tiberius.




 9   B.C.- A.D. 40    Aretas IV
                                                 2 Cor. 11:32-33
                       - King at Damascus who arrested Paul

                       1. Josephus
                        2. 20 inscriptions use his name & reign for dating.
                        3. Inscription at Khirbet et Tannur dates setting up of alter to his 2nd year.
                        4. Inscription at Madeba calls him "he who loves his people."
                        5. Coins with his likeness

6  BCcaor34AD    Theudas
                                                    Acts 5:36

                      - Led a failed revolt referred to by Gamaliel.

6  BC -21AD      Quirinius  
                                                    Luke 2:1

                   - Governor of Syria at time of Jesus birth

                 1. Inscription found in Antioch of Pisidia names Quirinius as legatus.
                 2. Contemporary histories - Tacitus
                 3. Josephus


4  BC       Judas the Galilean
                                                      Acts 5:37

                      - Gamaliel names him as having led a failed revolt.


4  BC -34AD      Philip the Tetrarch
                                                              Luke 3:1

                       - Tetrarch of part of Palestine; son of Herod the Great
                          and Cleopatra of Jerusalem; married Salome

                    1. Josephus
                   2. Coins with inscription APhilip the Tetrarch.
                   3. Nabatean text mentions erection of a statue Ain the year 33 of our Lord Philip.

4 BC- 39 AD              Antipas
                                                           Luke 3:1

                       - Called Herod the Tetrarch in Bible

                       1. Josephus
                       2. Coins carry inscription "Herod the Tetrarch"
                       3. Inscription on Cos & Delos name "Herod the Tetrarch"

4 BC - 6 AD              Archelaus
                                               Mat 2:22

                       - Also called Herod Archelaus; son of Herod the great;
                       -  ruler of Judea & Samaria during Jesus' childhood.

               1. Contemporary Histories - Dio Cassius
               2. Josephus
               3. Coins that have inscription "Ethrarch" or "Herod" or "Ethrarch Herod"


0 -31              Jesus
                     Matthew 1:1
                    - The Christ (Messiah)
                    - Son of God
                    -Savior for Mankind

                     1:Bible Prophecys writen in the Dead Sea Scrolls before Jesus time fullfilled
                     1:Bible testimonies (New Testament)
                     2:Miricles today
                     3: Roman Historians - Tacitus, Josephus, Lucian, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger

                (Some of what is happening
                                 todays times)

6 -26              John the Baptist
                                                      Matthew 3:1

                       - Prophet pointing to Jesus
                       -Baptized Jesus
                       -Led a movement of baptism at the Jordan River

                        1:Josephus tells of his death.

 6                     Judas of Galilee  

                  - Led a violent resistance to the census imposed for Roman tax purposes by Quirinius
                              in Iudaea Province

14    Augustus dies

       Tiberius becomes Roman emperor

25                Philip (Herod)
                                         Mark 6:17

                        - 1st husband of Herodias

                        1:Josephus tells about him and calls him Herod.

26      Jesus begins to teach

26                Annas
                                        Luke 3:2

                   - Jewish High Priest

26  -36          Pontius Pilate
                                                Luke 3:1

                    -Ruler of Judea as John the Baptist begins preaching
                    -Responsible for a massacre of some Galileans
                    - conducts the trial of Jesus  
                     -permits Joseph of Arimathea to bury Jesus
                    - permits the Jewish authorities to post a guard at Jesus' tomb

               1. Josephus, Tacitus, Philo
               2. Latin inscription found in 1961 at Theater in Caesarea tells us that Pontius
                   Pilate, the prefect of Judea built a temple for Tiberius.
               3. Pontius Pilates coins were minted in Jerusalem  29, 30 and 31 C.E. 

                         ,.aspx   (Coin British museum)

27             Gamaliel
                                              Acts 5:34

                    - Pharisee Teacher of the Law
                   - Teacher of Paul
                    -Respected Man
                   1. Josephus
                    2. Mishna calls him Gamaliel the Elder
                    3:Grave inscription on tomb in Beth-Shearim


27 AD             Lysanias
                                                 Luke 3:1

                         - Tetrarch of Abilene
                         1. Josephus
                         2. Inscription for dedication of temple at Abila mentions Lysanias the Tetrarch.


30    Jesus crucified and raised from the dead

       Pentecost; the Christian church is born

30         Saint James the Just
                                                  Mark 6:3

                     - Brother of Jesus

                   1:-Josephus recounts that he was stoned.


33     Paul the Apostle
                                                  Acts 9:1

                      -After his encounter with God, he became a
                              Christian and referred to himself as the "Apostle to the Gentiles"
                        - Performed amazing miricles from God  
                  1:Portion of Marble inscription found on Cyprus that could be reconstructed Paul


33                    Caiaphas
                                             Mt. 26:3

                     - High priest during time of Jesus

                    1. Josephus tells us his name was Joseph Caiaphas
                    2. Ossuary found in Jerusalem in 1990 has Hebrew inscription
                          that reads "Joseph, son of Caiaphas."

37    Caligula becomes Roman emperor
40    Gentiles are added to the church with the conversion of Cornelius

41-44   Herod Agrippa I:
                                     Acts 12:1-19

                  - responsible for the death of James and the arrest of Peter
                  - his palace in Caesarea is mentioned later as the place where Paul is incarcerated
                  - Called Herod the King; grandson of Herod the Great; King of Judea;
                  - Persecuted Christians in Jerusalem
                1. Josephus
                2. Contemporary Roman records
                3. Coins with inscription "The Great King Agrippa, Friend of the Caesar"
                4. Basalt fragment of a Nabatean inscription refers to "Agrippa, the King" (Could be
                   either I or II)

    * King [Herod] Agrippa II: Paul is tried by the governor Festus in the presence of King Agrippa and his wife Bernice (Acts 25:13--26:32).

46      Sergius Paulus
                                           Acts 13:7

                           - Roman proconsul (governor) of Cyprus; Converted by Paul
                                 on 1st missionary journey

                    1:Latin inscription lists name of L. Sergius Paulus as an official of the Tiber.

41-54    Claudius
                                          Acts 11:28; 18:2

                           -  ordered Jews to leave Rome
                           - becomes Roman emperor
                           - Antioch becomes the new center of church activity
                          -Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (1 August 10 BC – 13 October
                            AD 54), born       
                          -Tiberius Claudius Drusus, then Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus until his
                          -Claudius had expelled all Jews from Rome
           [note: "Claudius Lysias" is not the emperor, but a Roman "tribune" in
                                                                         Jerusalem ca. 58 AD]
                            - Christian prophets in Antioch predict a famine that occurs during Claudius'

           1. Roman historical records by Suetonias, Orosius, Tacitus and Dio Cassius
           2. Coins with his name
           3. Statuary