Bible Time Frame 50 AD -150AD
50 AD -150 AD
50 Bernice
Acts 25:13
- Oldest daughter of Herod Agrippa I
accompanied brother (lover) Agrippa II when Paul appeared before him.
1. Roman records including Suetonius and Dio Cassius
2. Josephus
3. Monumental stone inscription found in Beirut mentions King Agrippa and Bernice.
50 Publius
Acts 28:7
- Chief man of Malta
1:Inscriptions on Malta refer to the 1st man of the island and others refer to Publius.
50 Erastus
Romans 16:13
- City treasurer of Corinth; Convert of Paul
1: Latin inscription found in Corinth says that Erastus laid "this pavement at his
own expense" in return for receiving his position in the government.
51 -52 Gallio
Acts 18:12 -17
- Proconsul of Achaia
- Paul appeared before him to be judged while in Corinth
- Full name Junius Gallio Annaeus
1. Inscription at Delphi found in 1905 by E. Bourguet in which the emperor Claudius
calls Gallio his "friend" and proconsul of Achaia.
2. Senaca, Pliny, Dio Cassius and Suetonius.,4,11,28,95&img=GCTCDLAR15
52 -58 Felix
Acts 24:24
- Roman procurator of Iudaea Province
-Paul spoke about Jesus to Felix and Drusilla his wife
- Full name Marcus Antonius Felix
-Succeeded by Pocius Festus
1. Tacitus, Suetonius histories
2. Josephus
3. Bronze prutah coin minted by Antonius Felix¤tPage=1
54 -68 Nero
Acts 25:8
-becomes Roman emperor
- Not called by Nero in Bible, but by Caesar. Caesar whom Paul
appealed to.
1. Coins bear his name and likeness.
2. Statues
3. Contemporary historians
58 Ananias
Acts 23:2
- Jewish High Priest who opposed Paul
58 -62 Festus
Acts 24:27
- Roman procurator (governor) of Judea under Nero
- full name Porcius Festus
- Paul appeared before him and appealed to Caesar
-Succeeded Antonius Felix
1. Josephus history
2. Bronze prutah coin minted by Porcius Festus
56-95 King [Herod] Agrippa II:
Acts 25:13
- Paul is tried by the governor Festus in the
presence of King Agrippa and his wife Bernice
- Son of Agrippa I; ruler of Northern areas of Palestine;
1. Josephus
2. Contemporary Roman records
3. Coins with likeness & inscription "King Agrippa"
4. Basalt fragment (see Agrippa I above)
5. Monumental stone inscription found in Beirut mention's Herod Agrippa and Bernice.
58-62 Porcius Festus
Acts 24:27
-after being incarcerated for about two
years, Paul receives a longer hearing before Festus
-Porcius Festus was procurator of Judea from about AD 58 to 62
-Succeeded Antonius Felix
59 The apostle Paul is imprisoned at Caesarea
60 Drusilla
Acts 24:24
- Wife of Felix; Paul appeared before them.
1. Josephus
2. Suetonius history
60 Paul appears before Agrippa
61 Paul a prisoner at Rome
66 The Jews of Judea revolt against Rome
68 Paul martyred at Rome
69 Jerusalem beseiged by the Romans
Jochanan ben Zakkai seeks an audience with Vespasian
Vespasian becomes Roman emperor
70 Jerusalem falls; the Temple burned; the Jews deported
73 The last stand of the Jewish rebels at Masada
79 Titus becomes Roman emperor
81 Domitian becomes Roman emperor
96 Nerva becomes Roman emperor
98 Trajan becomes Roman emperor
113 Rome goes to war with Parthia
116 A further Jewish revolt against Rome is suppressed with great severity
117 Hadrian becomes Roman emperor
132 Bar Kochba claims to be Messiah and leads a revolt against Rome
Judea depopulated and the Jews denationalized by the Romans
138 Antoninus Pius becomes Roman emperor
150 Tertullian born