The Copper Scroll is on display in the Amman Museum and lists 63 treasures hidden in the Judean wilderness and Jerusalem area.


The Copper Scroll is one of archeologys most intriguing and mysterious documents. Found alongside some 900 other documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Copper Scroll has a story fit to be an Indiana Jones movie. While other Dead Sea Scrolls are biblical in nature, or describe the life of the community at Khirbet Qumran, the Copper Scroll describes in detail the glorious treasureestimated in 1960 to be worth more than $1,000,000 U.S.and where that treasure might be found. The text cites 64 locations where over 100 tons of gold and silver, in addition to scrolls and priestly items, were supposedly hidden.


The Copper Scroll was found in this cave in 1952


Most of what are called the "Dead Sea Scrolls" were found by Bedouin and sold through antiquities dealers, but this one was actually discovered by archaeologists--a rare occasion during those years. In ancient times the text of the document had been incised on thin sheets of copper which were then joined together. At the time it was found, however, the document was rolled into two separate scrolls of heavily oxidized copper which was far too brittle to unroll. For five years scholars and experts discussed ways of opening the scroll. Finally, they decided to cut the scroll into sections .

The copper scroll had all the literary value of a tax return. It had no preamble. No story. No famous figure hiding legendary relics. It was simply a list of 64 locations and an accounting of objects hidden in each place


This entry seems to imply that there is another copy of the scroll with more complete information. In fact, some have suggested that neither the original copper scroll, nor the one mentioned in entry 64 are sufficient by themselves to locate all the treasure. Only someone with both can hope to recover these lost riches.

If this is the case, does the duplicate scroll await a finder? Is it still buried in its hole? Or perhaps it is hidden underneath the floor boards of an antique dealer's home awaiting a buyer to offer the owner the right price. Or perhaps it has been destroyed forever, closing the chapter on this mysterious treasure of the copper scroll. .

Links :

Link For Copper Plate Text :

Sample Of Text

Text 1-5 above translation

(1)'In 'The Ruin' which is in the valley of Achor, under 2the steps leading to the east (at) forty 3half-brick cubits: (there is) a chest of silver and its vessels, 4a weight of seventeen talents. KEN.
(2) sIn the sepulchral monument, in the third layer: 6100 gold ingots.

(3) In the great cistern which is in the court of 7the peristyle, at the side of its floor, sealed in the (circular) wall, 80pposite to the upper opening: nine hundred talents.
(4) 9In the mound of Kohl it, (there are) tithe vessels: flask(s) and ephods, 10the
total of the tithe and the treasure of the sabbatical (year) and a disqualified
"second tithe. Its opening (is) on the northern edge of the channel, 12Six
cubits in the direction of the frigidarium of the bath.XA r.
(5) 13In the spiral staircase of Manos, in thedescent/recess to the left, 14at a
height of three cubits from the bottom: forty talents of 15silver.

There are 60 location descriptions on the copper plate