The Tel Hazor Tablets

The Tel Hazor Tablets


In the 1960s a youngster stumbled across a small piece of a broken tablet at Hazor
The discovery of the tablet suggests that the king of Hazor once had a school of scribes who helped with his foreign correspondence.

-A king of Hazor, at the time of the entrance of Israel into Canaan
Hazor the leading city in Northern Israel, who led an alliance against Joshua. He was defeated at the waters of Merom, his city was taken and he was slain

Tel Hazor is the largest biblical-era site in Israel, covering some 200 acres. These two clay tablets written in cuneiform were found in the vicinity of the Canaanite palace

Identified in the Bible -(Josh 11:1-9)(Judges 4 -24)(Pslm 83.9)

Joshua burnt the city of Hazor

Black ash on mudbrick from heat of about 1300 degrees c


 Hazor was roughly ten times the size of Jerusalem at the time of David

Subterranean Halls Founded in the Middle Bronze Age

Eight tablets have now been found
- each tablet offers intimate details about life, work and trade in ancient Hazor


Pillared Halls